"Cessation of drinking is but the first step away from a highly strained, abnormal condition."~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, The Family Afterward, pg. 122~
It is such a misconception that if one can just quit drinking/using/abusing then all their troubles would be over. That, however, is not the case in the overwhelming majority of addictions. To truly recover you must not only quit, but also rid your life and lifestyle of as much addictive causing behavior and influences as possible, then get on some kind of preventative, or maintenance program. Addiction is a chronic illness and the only way to cure it is to get rid of the causes, some of which you probably never knew were contributing to the problem. That is where interacting with other addicts/alcoholics is so important, they help you to flesh out all of that bad stuff and work through it, and vice-versa.
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You are so right,there is a reason behind my drinking.But I don't want to go into great detail at this time.Until I know you are for real.A lady can't be to careful these days.But I do know I need help so I searched and found you.I figue if your on Dr.Philes page you have to be real.I am listning to you right now.You give me corage to go on.Because I have faith that God put me on this earth for a reason.I have a story if Dr.Phile would be so kind as to please e mail me back,my family depends on it.
Debbie, thank you for responding to my posting. I am so happy for you that you are reaching out and looking for help. I know people who have tried to go through this on their own but have either failed, or compensated in other ways that are just as harmful.
I just want you to know that, yes, I am legit and am here to help you realize the root problems and start working on the healing process. I am real and I DO care.
Are you a member of some kind of support group? Please be brave and tell me about yourself and what your story is. Nobody will ever know who you really are unless you reveal your last name, so please feel free to let it all out so we know where you have come from and sort out a path for you to get get started on to get you to a healthy place.
On my Amazon website, on the top left side of my webpage is a link to go to to get the 2007 edition of the AA Big Book, at a GREAT price. If you have never read the Big Book, it is a wonderful eyeopener and well worth the time spent to read it. Then we can see if that is something that might work for you or we can try something else.
Free yourself Debbie, you are worth it and you do matter...
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